Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Javier the Gentledog, lace and curls

   Well, how you’ll see, I just came back from a hairstylist, put an outfit together, made a pretty face, but...one bad guy, who was in a playful mood, decided it’s better to shoot some bloopers. His name is Javier, but everybody call him Gentledog because of his intelligent appearance, his passion for modelling, sushi and a black tea. 

Cardigan: CUTE (young local brand)
Dress: H&M
Belt: Zara
Heels: Foxy by Jeffrey Campbell
Bag: Barbara Boner
Earrings: vintage
Ring, necklace: my russian shop Rosa Banana
Lipgloss: Russian Red by MAC
Nailpolish: Limo Scene by Essie

And now...let's hop right in fun!

COMING NEXT: 'The mysterious pants' outfit post. Interesting? Subscribe!
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  1. Лук зарядил позитивом! Локоны просто ах!!

  2. Lovely outfit! Your dog is adorable :)


  3. Чем вы делали локоны, не утюжком ли? Вы чем-то похожи на Марию Шукшину, взглядом очень.

    1. Шукшину о_О ???? Надо же, такого мне еще е говорили. А локоны, да, утюжком. Спасибо за комментарий!


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